Heroor Hanging Bridge
Located in the Udupi district Hidden and unknown even to locals of Udupi, Heroor hanging bridge place makes it into the second episode of Udupi Unexplored.

This place is 13 kms from Udupi and 5.5 km from Brahmavara. This bridge is 130 meters long and connects Uppuru and Heroor. Heroor hanging bridge is a small and beautiful bridge constructed across Madisalu river.

Initial cost of the cinstruction of the bridge was 20 lakhs. But the extreme weather of coastal Karnatak during Monsoon has proved hard time and again on this bridge.

Big thanks to Mr Vishwanath Sanil who initially built this bridge and born the repair cost of additional 20 lakhs on his own.

Slowly this beautiful is gaining popularity among the youth and it also attracts a lot of young crowd from Manipal.
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