Date: 7-Dec-13
Thilak had been to Mekedatu before and I had been till Sangama. Both of us wanted to go to Mekedatu again, but I was scared if I could go in bike for a long distance (around 200 km, to and fro). Finally, I made up my mind and decided to go to Mekedatu on 7th Dec on bike. We had our breakfast in Jayanagar and left at 7.00 AM. We took the beautiful Kanakpura road to reach Mekedatu.

The road was very well maintained with lush green trees on both sides of the road and almost no traffic. The ride in the early morning was beautiful. On the way, we visited Thrimurthy temple. After few minutes, we saw a beautiful lake. The view near the lake was amazing. We reached Kanakpura town at around 8.45 AM and had coffee at the KSRTC bus depot and left from there at 9.00 AM. From the main circle in Kanakpura, we took left towards Sangama. We were travelling in a village which was very neatly maintained. After travelling for around 4-5 km, Thilak got to know that the bike’s tire was punctured. We had no idea, where the puncture shop was. We asked the people who were there. They showed us one puncture shop nearby. We felt lucky that the shop was nearby. But, our luck was not good that day. The puncture shop was closed and when Thilak called the owner of that shop, he said he is travelling to Bangalore and he will not be coming to the shop. When asked the people around, they told us that one more puncture shop is there in 2 km distance. Since we had no tools to remove the tire, we decided to walk and take the bike till that puncture shop. Poor guy, Thilak had to walk as well as push the bike. Even after walking for 2 km, we could notfind any puncture shop. When checked with the people, they said that the shop is 2 more km away. Miraculously, we did not feel tired and liked that time somehow. I still do not know why :-). Finally, we found the puncture shop and he made the necessary things in half an hour. While coming back from there, we got to know that we had walked for around 4 km. Hmmm.. Pat on the back for us. It was 11.30 AM by then. Instead of getting irritated by what we went through, we enjoyed our ride.
We reached Sangama at around 12.30 PM. Sangama is a place where the rivers Kaveri and Arkavathi meet. As both of us were very hungry, we had our lunch at the KSTDC hotel.

After lunch, we started off to Mekedatu. Mekedatu is on the other side of the river in Sangam. Since the water was more, we we had to go in coracle (Theppa) to cross the river. After crossing the river, we took a local bus to reach Mekedatu. The road from Sangama to Mekedatu was horrible. But, everyone in the bus enjoyed that ride. After 10 mins of drive, we reached our destination. After getting down from the bus, we had to climb down around 100 steps. Then came the main attraction of Mekedatu. The river Kaveri was running through a deep, narrow gorge of hard granite rock and there were huge boulders everywhere. The river was ferociously flowing through hardly 10-meter-wide gorge. The view was spectacluar. Weather was hot, but because of the beauty, we did not feel tired. There were many people. We took photos and had fun there for about 1 hr. At around 4 .00 PM, we left from there, came to Sangama in the same local bus, crossed the river in the coracle, and started back to Bangalore. At 6.30 PM, we were back in Bangalore.

On the way
Surprisingly, I did not get tired at all that day. May be because, we took a break of 4 km walk instead of travelling in bike continuously :-). That’s why I always tell, “Whatever happens, happens for good”. 🙂
Mekedatu is a must-visit place. The route, the place, everything is beautiful. We had an awesome time there.
- Route Travelled: HSR Layout > Jayanagar > Kanakpura Road > Kanakpura > Mekedatu
- Total distance (To & Fro): 209 km
- Mileage (Bike): 45 km/l
- Fuel expense: 362 Rs
- Total expense: 1010 Rs
- Photos: Mekedatu Photos
Route Map:
Oh this looks quite offbeat, very much my kinda place, thanks for sharing!! 🙂
Yeah.. Mekedatu is a beautiful place.. thanks for the feedback..